The Benefits of Vendor Neutral Voice Recognition

Like all other technology in the world, that which is related to imaging and information technology isvendor neutral voice recognition gaining new ground, regularly. Radiologists are using these advances to put themselves in a more central role in patient care. Vendor neutral voice recognition is considered the leading edge of healthcare-related IT today.

On the list of things they can do to work more efficiently, radiologists count dictation quite high. New mobile voice technology allows them to dictate the information they want to transfer, and do it over a smartphone to a transcriptionist, or better yet, automatically transcribed through a voice recognition platform.

All radiologists want to be more productive and efficient, and they can’t gain that by dictating into a cassette tape recorder, which is the old way of doing it. Not only did the analog way take a long time, it also presented a HIPPA risk as these tapes could get lost and all the patient information could fall into the wrong hands.

When a digital vendor neutral voice recognition solution is implemented, workflow is hugely impacted because it takes so little time, improves productivity, and lowers costs. Furthermore, this technology is also helping to ensure that reimbursements for high-quality care are appropriate.

Vendor neutral voice recognition allows for radiologists to work in a tightly regulated atmosphere with less stress. They are capturing all the data that is required of them, but they’re doing it more efficiently with vendor neutral voice recognition technology. Now that mobile devices are connected to the Internet, the speech recognition software can live on the cloud, which means the client of the cloud-based radiology company manages all the updates and maintenance and the client simply uses it when needed.

To find the right fit for your vendor neutral voice recognition solution, look for one that won’t require a huge adjustment time in learning the dictation style or acclimation time to learn the user’s unique vocal characteristics.

OffSite Image Management, Inc. has developed vendor neutral voice recognition software to accompany its new Telerad360 platform, which is built for teleradiologists. With Telerad360, radiologists have access to self-editing tools within the voice recognition program. Instead of waiting for a transcriptionist, they simply do their edits immediately.

OffSite wants to put control back into the hands of the radiologist and the hospital, and we’re doing that with our voice recognition process that not very many others are doing. Our clients have noticed significant improvements in workflow because they have access to radiologists and prioritize exams, moving them on the work list for more a streamlined operation.

Telerad360 is giving radiologists a view of what’s going on across their entire process, including how exams are prioritized. Losing track of patients is less likely under our solution, and technologists are able to see when the doctor or radiologist has read a report in real time. Fortunately, reports can be imported directly into a local EMR, printed from a Telerad360 portal, or automatically faxed to where it needs to go. Contact us today and let’s discuss the many ways Telerad360 and its vendor neutral voice recognition solutions will work for you and your team.