
Organizations that keep their data stored on-site because they believe it is safer there might consider taking a closer look at their disaster recovery processes; it’s probably nothing close to the security detail provided by cloud-based companies.

What do you know about solar flares and their ability to eliminate valuable information from servers?Cloud Storage 6 While that might be a worst-case scenario left for only the most paranoid to consider, professional offsite data storage organizations have thought of every possible scenario, including solar flares, that could jeopardize your data.

Think about this for a moment: a Ponemon Institute Research study found that organizations in the U.S. experience data breaches that cost them an average of $5.4 million a year. Given the amount of data that is being stored today, around 120 billion gigabytes, that’s a lot of data to potentially be left at risk.

The best offsite data storage scenario is partnering with a vendor that has access to a Level IV database where many, top-notch security measures are in place. From 24/7 security guards to multiple remote and climate controlled facilities with the best quality servers, these facilities are among the safest available. Companies that have access to Level IV datacenters will have comprehensive disaster recovery plans that protect you under just about any situation, from floods to fires to earthquakes and solar flares.

It’s also important to have security measures in place that will keep your data out of the view of prying eyes. Hackers are industrial, and they really know their way around firewalls, especially the ones that you probably have running on your network right now. To keep your data from getting into the wrong hands, you’re better off with an offsite data storage strategy.

You can have your data in the cloud quickly and fairly painlessly as long as you choose the right vendor and plan everything out beforehand. Conduct an assessment of your current data needs and tell your vendor how you need to access your data. For radiology specialists, you’ll need a vendor neutral solution that can give everyone who needs access to medical images unfettered access, regardless of what hardware and software they’re currently running.

You’ll need to fully vet your vendors if you are a healthcare provider because you can’t run the risk of letting your sensitive, personal information become compromised. You should look for an offsite provider that specializes in the medical field and in storing radiological images. The best vendor will allow you to store, access and share information across disparate systems, offering patients quicker, better care. They’ll also not have to worry about their data getting into the wrong hands.

OffSite Image Management, Inc., is made up of professionals who have worked in nearly every position in the radiology business. They know what the needs of the industry are and they have built quality solutions that are effective, safe and full of redundancy so your data will always be accessible when you need it. Contact us today and find out how we can offer you the offsite data storage you need.