
How the Health Image Exchange Can Improve Productivity

health image exchangeYoung people in a variety of professions are seeing challenges as they enter the workforce, but it’s especially true for young radiologists who are increasingly tasked with productivity-based metrics in the value-based care model. However, as the philosophical, back-and-forth abstract discussions about value-based care abound, health image exchange solutions can offer concrete evidence of how it can actually occur.

One of the positive aspects of being a young radiologist today is that most of these well-trained individuals have insights that their older colleagues don’t about how modern learners gather their information. In fact, the ascendancy of multimodality and information that falls into the subspecialty areas that all young radiologists are coming out of school with today has caused a shift in the way they are trained. But this transition actually offers an opportunity to produce a new, more effective way of training individuals. Could a focus on health image exchange be part of that shift?

The preponderance of social media, which young radiologists grew up with, is a good example of how these professionals are primed for something that is cloud-based, like a health image exchange. Furthermore, social media has provided physicians with a platform through which they can put themselves out in front of potential patients. Likewise, patients/consumers are more trusting of the online peer recommendations they glean through their social media sites.

The reason the health image exchange is gaining ground is partly based on the interoperability challenges the healthcare industry experiences today. For example, providers get locked into one software vendor and are bound to proprietary workflow methods. A DICOM exchange can help ease these issues and unchain the access issues that too many radiologists experience with their medical images.

Using vendor neutral archiving services, health image exchanges can offer access to cloud PACS, DICOM and structured data that assist physicians and patients in gaining access to their data without roadblocks. It’s a more efficient solution for better business continuity, and hospitals and clinics nationwide are signing on to health image exchanges in their area to reap the benefits.

The biggest perk is that providers can share and store their data in the cloud. When they sign on with the right vendor, they get disaster recovery assurances, which means their data will be available to them at a rate of almost 100 percent. Furthermore, these solutions should seamlessly integrate with current HIE platforms within the client’s state as well as across state lines.

Meaningful Use requirements are already pushing the issue about access to medical image data, and the health image exchange solution is giving providers the resources they need to make good on these requirements.

OffSite Image Management, Inc. has led the way in the health image exchange environment since 2011. Our solutions are top-quality, yet are available to even the smallest of providers in rural America. Learn more about our services by contacting us today.