
Vendor neutral archives (VNAs) have, for years, provided medical imaging technology that offers a more efficient way to store and access images and other image-related data. As Meaningful Use directives have been issued in phases, VNA has been a great resource for complying more easily with them. As more providers have connected with VNA, they have found that some differences exist between vendors, which has led to a distinction between VNA and “true” VNA.

VNA Advantages

The biggest perk to utilizing a VNA solution is that it cuts out steps a healthcare provider would have to take to get access to images they need to see. This means that if a physician needs to quickly pull up an image, they won’t have to have built up proficiencies to access other technological platforms in the effort to gain access to a single image.

In the traditional viewing situation where PACS are tied to workstations, VNA comes in to essentially decouple them, which means regardless of where the image comes from, VNA will provide access to the image.

Which VNA Solution Works Best?

If you’re in the market for a VNA solution but having a hard time figuring out exactly what you need, here are some valuable tips:

  • Find a vendor that will let your VNA integrate with other technologies, such as mobile applications and content management solutions.
  • Your VNA will need to adapt to unstructured healthcare data.
  • Analyze your archiving practices and make sure it matches up with your vendor’s solution.
  • Forecast your needs for the future and work with a vendor that will allow flexibility/scalability.

At OffSite Image Management, we embraced the development of VNA years ago and have been at the forefront of offering our clients high-quality services that match their needs. When healthcare professionals talk about deconstructing PACS, they’re talking about taking a different approach to the typical departmental view of managing images. We’re part of that conversation, developing solutions that significantly reduce or completely eliminate the roadblocks that are too common in imaging centers and radiology departments large and small.

We know the needs of one organization can differ wildly from the next, which is why we have a unique approach when it comes to offering imaging services. If you’re looking for scalability, check out OffSite.