
Cloud Storage 8There was a day not long ago that clinicians feared the cloud. They looked at it as a place where nothing was private and everything could be hacked, accessed and compromised. That is yesterday’s thinking; today, clinicians are looking to the private cloud as a safe and secure place that can help them reduce costs while improving patient care.

The private cloud is not Google. While they have some similarities, cloud-based clinical information systems are attractive to radiology departments because they help to streamline processes and give remote access to data that needs to be shared for the sake of the patient. PACS solutions live in the cloud now and provide cooperative care solutions across state lines, and without all the fear of being compromised.

Everyone has gone digital, which means IT solutions are a high priority for hospitals small and large. IT workers are doing their best to explain to administrators that private cloud solutions aren’t the same as Amazon, Google and Apple. Private clouds have security levels that exceed the usual platforms. HIPAA violations are a costly mistake, which is why ensuring the safety and security of patient data is paramount. The private cloud considers this with high regard. The best cloud vendors are using datacenters that employ only the strictest standards, including disaster recovery and redundancy measures that ensure near 100 percent uptime.

While security is certainly a priority, cost is another. Due to the global economy taking a bad turn in recent years, more healthcare providers are looking for ways to save money. It has been reported that the economic crisis has driven many providers in the direction of the private cloud. The cloud concept is now nothing new for radiology solutions, including PACS. Archiving on the cheap while providing quick and easy and secure access to medical images is what providers are looking for, and they’re finding it in the private cloud.

Radiologists need to be able to execute their reports from remote locations, which is what the private cloud can offer. Meaningful Use requirements are in a phase now that requires radiologists to make their report in electronic form within 24 hours of the exam, which means the private cloud is almost a necessity for efficiency reasons. Furthermore, patients are seeing multiple specialists now more than ever before, which means collaboration has never been more important. The cloud gives radiologists the option to share these images through a secure URL with as many specialists as they want.

Rural providers are at a particular disadvantage when it comes to archiving and sharing their images because they’re on a shoestring budget and they have few IT resources from which to gain insights. OffSite Image Management, Inc. has devised a solution that works for rural providers, and without ruining their IT budget. OffSite’s private cloud solution offers all the qualities of a top-notch archiving and sharing service, but without the huge price tag. Our clients only pay for what they use. Contact us today to find out how we are able to provide industry-leading services.