
Choose Offsite Data Storage for Your Facility

offsite data storageA CNN Money report last year regarding the loss of patient data made a large impact on the general public, but was something most providers were already aware of. For those providers who have not been affected, it opened the eyes of healthcare IT workers and radiologists, confirming that they need to turn to offsite data storage to prevent the loss of data.

Drawing from data from the Community Health System computer network, Ponemon Institute said that 90 percent of healthcare organizations had inadvertently exposed patient data or had it stolen in 2012 and 2013, CNN reported. That means that the healthcare industry sees more breeches than the military and banking industries combined. In 2014, more than 2 million records had been compromised.

What is pushing the hackers to breech systems is the large amount of money that is generated through the black market by selling patient data. Criminals will use this information to commit insurance and Medicare fraud using stolen identities. They also pose as these individuals to gain access to prescription drugs, which they can sell for profit on the street or online.

Many healthcare facilities have converted to digital records without any protections against fraud. Using offsite data storage with the right security measures will not only protect this data, it will also be more available to the professionals who need to see it.

Providers today know that their patients are often doubling or tripling up on the number of facilities they go to for treatment. Some of these facilities will need access to medical images that were taken at a facility other than their own. Unfortunately, many providers today are tied to PACS that won’t allow for easy access and sharing of these records.

Offsite data storage vendors are giving providers the exact amount of access they require. With a simple secure URL, physicians and radiologists are able to access the medical images they need to make diagnoses or to further treat a patient in need.

OffSite Image Management, Inc., works with Level IV datacenters to keep offsite data storage options open and available for clients. Data breeches are near impossible thanks to the amount of care the Level IV facilities adhere to. Furthermore, the disaster recovery and business continuity strategies in place with our datacenters provides a close to 100 percent uptime. Contact us today and let’s talk about your needs.