
Medical Imaging Solutions That Will Bring Efficiencies and Save Money

Seamless patient care hasn’t always been the norm. In fact, many healthcare providers are strugglingmedical imaging with collaborative solutions today, particularly with medical imaging. However, there is an answer.

The problems have occurred not only between disparate facilities separated by miles; medical imaging issues have occurred from department to department in the same facility. If the goal is high-quality care while being more budget conscious, these five collaborative medical imaging solutions should be a consideration for every facility.


How flexible can you be with an on-site hardware model where you manage all the updates and fixes that are required for any medical imaging solution? For most healthcare organizations, the overhead involved with this type of management and the personnel required to manage all the software and hardware is too demanding.

Some facilities, mostly the large hospital systems, can manage a hybrid situation where they have a mix of on-site solutions and cloud-based solutions.

For rural facilities that struggle with budget and personnel, going with a cloud-based medical imaging solution is the best option.


Have you been the victim of proprietary and/or siloed solutions? Most providers who work with patients seeking care from multiple specialists will encounter this as each facility has different proprietary solutions that make integration nearly impossible.

One collaborative element you can’t afford to ignore is that you need to avoid proprietary, siloed solutions that will not work with third party solutions.

Compliance Issues

Content management solutions are critical if you’re going to stay compliant with the various state and nationwide rules and regulations regarding how you safeguard and maintain medical data. Working with a cloud-based vendor that archives your data can save you money and labor associated with managing that data. Furthermore, these vendors also have the business continuity and disaster recovery solutions that you need to stay compliant.


How prepared are you to offer image management while on the go? Is your image management solution able to provide doctors and radiologists the images they need to see while they’re on their smartphones or tablet computers? Cloud-based vendors are offering this capability today.


The rate at which medical images are stacking up today is astounding. Can your on-site image management solution handle the influx? When you partner with a cloud-based vendor, you’re attaching yourself to a scalable solution. You should only be paying for what you use, though, so be wary of how you’re charged for this service. You should be able to grow and downsize as needed.

At OffSite Image Management, Inc., we’re doing our part to assist the medical community in integrating and collaborating with cloud-based solutions that offer more efficient management of images, which results in better patient care. Contact us today and let’s talk about your needs.