
Image Management Solutions That Solve Problems

Hospital image management professionals have a number of daily challenges, some more pressingimage management than others, which are a result of technology. There are also problems related to finding the right solutions and personnel in the rural hospital setting. Work lists have consistently been a challenge for hospitals of all sizes, which has some image management specialists working overtime on a solution.

Is one of your biggest challenges that you face on a daily basis related to providing an efficient turn-around for STAT readings? How about providing high quality patient interactions? And how about your PACS worklist? Is it in good shape? The traditional PACS is not doing much to assist radiologists and other healthcare providers when it comes to managing their medical images.

Many radiology professionals are staying late, putting in a ton of hours just organizing their PACS in an effort to make it more effective. They could be spending more time discussing challenging cases, or mentoring up-and-coming professionals in the medical field. Radiologists today have to stay informed and involved in every aspect of the patient experience. Spending an inordinate amount of time managing PACS work lists isn’t helping to advance the profession.

Another major challenge radiologists experience today is adapting to the rapid change in image priority levels. Gaps and delays are created, accessibility problems with ordering medical images, getting the diagnosis – these are all issues that many radiologists face quite frequently, especially in regard to the priority levels that change so fast.

Many hospitals also struggle with control. They feel like their PACS vendor has them shackled. They want more control of their medical images, more flexibility and more scalability. Communication problems regarding how the data is managed is an issue, which impacts efficient workflow management.

Portability is almost unheard of, especially for providers that aren’t using cloud-based image management services. Radiology professionals need access to daily work lists anywhere they happen to be. They shouldn’t have to be in front of their viewer at the hospital to access this data, and that’s something cloud-based image management vendors are able to offer today.

With the right solution, radiologists can have direct access to the people they need to correspond with regarding a medical image. They can prioritize exams, move them on the work list as required, configure their reports any way they please, auto fax the information to referring providers, and gain access to image management information 24/7/365, anywhere.

OffSite Image Management, Inc., has developed a new solution that offers radiologists exciting tools to help them do their jobs. It’s called TeleRad360, and it’s available today. No hardware or software is required when you sign on to use this new solution. All you do is log in and you’re ready to access all the tools you need to solve all your work list issues. Contact us today and let’s discuss your current setup, and we’ll explain how our solution will help you perform your day-to-day tasks more effectively.