
The latest reports in the radiology industry point to $15 to $20 billion going to waste due to inefficiencies in radiology departments. How much are you contributing to this? It’s a fair question that everyone should try to answer, because it could lead to radiology workflow improvements across the industry

The waste that radiology departments encounter could be due to timing in regard to when the tests are conducted; schedule them at the wrong time and you could see an influx of repeat exams. A lack of consistency is another cause, which can be improved by developing more robust communication strategies and adopting tools that improve access to imaging

Among the biggest factors impacting consistency though is the way you approach workflow, especially as radiology becomes more data intense. Files are growing exponentially larger and storage and access issues are becoming more of a challenge which can negatively impact your radiology workflow.

Stepping Up Workflow

Think about how the technology has evolved since you came into the industry, even if it was in the last few years. Consider how often you rely on IT services to keep you from seeing bottlenecks in your workflow. Efficiency gains are most often experienced in organizations where the IT staff work closely to address the needs of those in charge of the radiology workflow.

IT represents a massive component in managing your data, helping you clear out irrelevant information and keeping everything accessible to you at a moment’s notice. Your IT team does this by implementing workflow tools that work to your advantage. In some cases, these are people you never meet because they’re working with an offsite vendor offering cloud-based solutions.

That doesn’t mean your staff doesn’t need to be trained on how to improve workflow. Data-driven practice management, when it becomes a focus, leads to improved efficiency, because when everyone on your staff is up on the latest processes, roadblocks become less likely.

Where Cloud PACS Make a Difference

If your radiology workflow seems in disrepair and you’re constantly fighting a strong current going the wrong direction, it’s time to get with the flow of a more effective cloud-based solution for image management.

If you’re researching how to improve your workflow, you’re probably looking at vendors that can keep up with your list of demands, which includes having solutions based on the latest DICOM standards and helping you access patient exams and data from multiple locations.

You’re also looking for a partner that can help you with every aspect of the situation, from when an exam order is made to the image being processed to the report that follows. The right partner can provide this, as well as all the administrative support you need.

At OffSite Image Management, we’re committed to offering that and more. Our cloud-based PACS solutions are industry leading, which means all you have to do is produce the radiology exam and sit back and enjoy our services. When you partner with us, you no longer have to worry about updates or fixing something when it crashes. Furthermore, our security standards give our clients the assurances they need to stay safe during a time when cyber criminals are attacking at an alarming rate. Contact us and let’s discuss how we can build a customized solution for your organization.