
Vendor neutral archiving (VNA) can be implemented and lead to great results, but simply installing it and expecting ground-breaking improvements means you are missing the key component of a strategy. Most IT leaders look forward to implementing VNA because there are many challenges that can be overcome with a VNA  solution, but it takes thought and planning for the best results.

One of the challenges with picture archiving communications systems (PACS) is that many of the solutions can become an island where integration with EHR systems is either difficult or impossible. And then there is the issue of costs related to migrating data from one PAC to a different platform. Fortunately, VNA is a single destination for imaging data and it doesn’t matter to which PACS or department the data needs to go, VNA is the storage management piece of the puzzle.

Correct Implementation

Make sure the VNA you adopt is going to help you follow the Meaningful Use criteria and mandates. For example, healthcare providers must have the technology in place to share imaging data with patients in a specific amount of time. Make sure your VNA will allow you to work with EHRs and allow this to happen.

Consolidation is also something to consider when you look at various VNA solutions. If you want to reduce individual silos of data, make sure your VNA has advanced compression technology. This is also a cost-saving measure that can figure into your disaster recovery strategy because the compression abilities can lead to improved data integrity.

Better Viewing Options

It’s often said that PACS today are asked to do more than what they were built for. For example, PACS found in individual departments are usually accessible through web portals and mobile platforms. However, they are limited to their localized department. VNA offers improvements to this model, as it can serve as a single point of access across many disciplines. This is to the advantage of healthcare workers and patients who need access to imaging and related data.

Before you become sold on a VNA solution, make sure to evaluate your overall strategy and consider all the challenges you’re looking to overcome with VNA. Take stock of the current technology you depend on for accomplishing your daily tasks and make sure the infrastructure is compatible with the VNA you’re choosing.

At OffSite Image Management, we’ve been a leader in providing true VNA technology to our clients. If access to imaging has been a stumbling block for you, contact us and let’s talk about how our solutions have worked for others and how they’ll also work for you.