
Radiologists are widely regarded as being pioneers in adopting new technology. Despite this reputation, and despite the fact that the general public has widely disregarded CD technology for newer, more modern services, some radiologists still use CDs to store and exchange their medical imaging data.

Compact discs hit the market in 1982 and were thought of as a more convenient way for patients to carry their medical imaging data from physician to specialist and anyone in between involved in their healthcare. Unfortunately, there were many challenges with this method.

CDs can be mislabeled, lost, broken, stolen or improperly burned. This can lead to repetitive screenings, which can disrupt the workflow process and eventually lead to radiologist burnout and poor patient care practices. CDs also present a storage issue, as valuable physical space is taken up. Furthermore, the burning technology itself takes up space.

Easing Workflow and Saving Money

When healthcare facilities rid themselves of CD-burning technology and adopt wireless platforms capable of transmitting medical imaging data between disparate PACS, they see a multitude of advantages. It’s estimated that the average provider repeats almost 8% of their screenings. When switching out the CD method for more modern technology, that percentage drops significantly. In fact, some say they’re saving thousands of dollars annually.

But it is about more than just saving money and providing a more workflow-friendly process; adopting new technologies, such as cloud-based viewing solutions, provides a more customer-centric means of managing medical imaging. Not only is the patient more pleased with their level of service, but they’re also diagnosed faster and with greater accuracy.

Upping the Level of Care

In some situations, the healthcare provider is limited in the level of care they can provide. Many rural facilities simply don’t have the infrastructure, nor do they employ the specialists who handle very specific types of cases. Yet their patients need to be equipped with the medical imaging that these specialists require to make accurate diagnoses. Utilizing the proper means of conveying this data is crucial.

At OffSite Image Management, we’re focused on taking the roadblocks out of the image transferring process. One way we do this is to offer our clients cloud PACS with the tools they need to provide higher levels of service. For example, for providers that need the latest technologies, our Enterprise PACS package offers the following:

  • Customized On-site PACS
  • Multiple FDA Approved Workstations
  • Advanced Logical Expression
  • 3D TOMO BTO Compliant
  • WADO – EHR Integration
  • Unlimited Routing
  • HL7 ORU Interface Included
  • Modality Worklist Included

From fully-hosted PACS to all-in-one hybrid solutions, OffSite has a PACS package that will cater to all your needs and at a price you can afford. Contact us and learn more about what we have to offer.