
To say 2020 was a challenging year for the healthcare industry would be selling it short. Radiology professionals looking back on the way they responded are also looking forward to better prepare themselves for uncertainties to come.

In order to know what to do in the coming months, it is important to look back at what has already occurred. With that in mind, let’s look at a few of the biggest transformative issues that rocked the industry in 2020.

  • COVID-19
    The pandemic is going to leave a wake in many ways. One of those is the remote work opportunities that might not have existed if it hadn’t been for the virus. Many radiology professionals discovered new technologies that allowed them to do their jobs remotely and with positive results. They’ll continue on this learning curve for the foreseeable future.
  • Unusually High Levels of Uninsured
    Millions of Americans lost their jobs and their healthcare along with it. They still need healthcare services, including imaging examinations, which means radiology departments are working harder than ever on being efficient and keeping costs down.
  • Consolidation is the New Norm
    Whether the pandemic expedited the process or not, consolidating radiology practices is not a new thing, but it is forcing radiologists to look to technologies that will integrate across the board. This is pushing more non-proprietary solutions to the forefront.

Driving future success is the goal right now for many in radiology, which could involve a number of steps, including investing in management teams that can provide a clearer vision for making positive strides going forward. More providers are focusing on sustainability, too, which means they’re looking at diversifying their revenue streams and being extremely cautious/prudent in their investments.

Choosing the Right Technologies

On-premise technologies, particularly radiology hardware, will always have a place in healthcare, but increasingly, there are cloud-based technologies that can put radiology departments and imaging centers in a much better place in terms of workflow, patient care and profitability.

While it’s likely that you have already embraced the cloud in some form or another, it would be highly advantageous to consider a vendor of cloud-based healthcare services that revolve around radiology. For example, have you had issues with your PACS? Have the issues forced you to consider purchasing a new system? It’s not a cost-friendly thing to embark upon, but looking to the cloud for assistance can bring you some relief.

At OffSite Image Management, we’ve developed several services that are managed by us, live in the cloud and have been proven to not only improve workflows, but also free up some much-needed finances.

From cloud-based and hybrid PACS solutions to teleradiology advantages, mammography to vendor neutral archiving services, OffSite has you covered. As you consider how you’ll proceed into 2021 and meet challenges head-on, make us part of your overall strategy. Contact us today and let’s talk about how we can take the next step.