Weighing in on Electronic Rural Hospital Data Storage

Weighing in on Electronic Rural Hospital Data Storage

Limited budgets can limit the resources rural hospitals have in their data storage options. Some are finding that partnerships with larger hospitals in the region can ease the burden of storage needs, which seems to grow with each passing year. A recent study by...
Why DICOM Helps Radiology Thrive

Why DICOM Helps Radiology Thrive

DICOM: The Standard That Levels the Playing Field This past couple of decades plus have been some of the most exciting and challenging for radiologists who have to try hard to keep up with the technology. Now there is a huge push for data mobility, especially with...
Upgrading Your PACS or Moving to Cloud PACS?

Upgrading Your PACS or Moving to Cloud PACS?

5 Key Questions to Ask if You Are Considering a New PACS Solution Are you considering buying a new PACS? Before you do, you need to think about a few things, including introducing yourself to cloud PACS. It might seem like a daunting task to make this jump to a new...
What Does Deconstructing PACS Really Mean Today?

What Does Deconstructing PACS Really Mean Today?

Gaining the Advantage by Deconstructing PACS Healthcare providers increasingly have more options when it comes to choosing technology associated with managing medical images. Research comes before a decision is made on which direction to go, which means anyone who is...