
How to Find Improvements With a Cloud Viewer for Exam Management

The cloud computing market is expected to top $6.7 billion by 2018, which is an indicator thatcloud viewer for exam management healthcare providers are rapidly adopting cloud computing processes. But if you are in radiology you may be asking why. One reason is that cloud computing is a perfect fit for radiology. A cloud viewer for exam management offers a number of advantages, here are just a few:

Simplify Sharing

We know there are a number of complexities involved in image management, but the cloud-based solutions make these complexities seem quite simple. Approximately 20 percent of images are still being hand carried to physicians. However, about 90 percent of images are going through departmental PACS. The number of images being held captive to PACS vendors and their proprietary processes must be staggering. However, a cloud viewer for exam management is a possibility when offsite solutions are entered into the equation.

Simplifying sharing is one of the main goals of offsite cloud-based solutions. When you partner with a vendor that offers vendor neutral archiving (VNA) technology, all you need to access images is a secure URL. This means you can stop utilizing disc burning technology and all the inefficiencies that come with it.

Save Money

While patient satisfaction is a top priority, so too is minding the budget. Managing medical images can be quite expensive, especially when it comes time to adopt new technologies. However, adopting the new technologies available through solutions that offer a cloud viewer for exam management can actually save you money.

Healthcare professionals, including radiologists and technicians, are integrating image viewers into electronic healthcare record solutions through the cloud. It’s an increasingly popular choice of infrastructure, and a lot of it has to do with ease of access and cost savings. IT professionals can focus on other projects and let the offsite manage the hardware and software. This alone frees up IT time and can drastically reduce costs.


On-site server upgrades are expensive and time consuming. Furthermore, many smaller hospitals are unable to afford such upgrades, and their human resources are often limited, which means there wouldn’t be anybody to manage the system. However, with a cloud-based solution, providers can scale up their image management needs with no barriers in their way.

The best offsite vendors are utilizing VNA, which is a comprehensive cloud-based solution to better manage images. In fact, VNAs are what allow providers to consolidate data from many PACS. Furthermore, they are given the ability to make queries that point them in the right direction and find images quickly.

OffSite Image Management

One of the leading providers of a cloud viewer for exam management is OffSite Image Management, Inc. We’ve offered cutting edge solutions to clients large and small, and we can guarantee a cost savings when you partner with us. Contact us today and let’s talk about how we can provide you with access to better image management.