
With more than 600 million high-resolution images generated over a 12-month period across the U.S., healthcare providers require a more unified medical image data workflow to stay competitive. They have realized that working in a silo situation is less than optimal. Implementing a vendor neutral archive (VNA) system is widely held as the solution to many problems regarding viewing medical imaging, but how can you make sure you are finding the best solution for your unique needs?

There is no doubt about it – implementing
VNA is a large task. To find a solution that is the best fit for you, consider the following questions:

  • Why Are You Implementing VNA?
    Outline all the problems you have had with managing and viewing images so you have a better picture of what it is you want your VNA to do and also give you a more informed position on its implementation. Most imaging specialists say they want to store non-DICOM objects, which means they have to choose the right VNA platform because not all of them will do that. If you plan on changing PACS vendors and don’t want to go through the migration process every time, that needs to be noted.
  • How Do You Use Images?
    Markdown all the ways in which you utilize your images. For example, sometimes they will be needed to help a surgeon during surgery, while other times, the images will be used purely for diagnosing an issue. The way you use your images will impact your workflow, so take that into account during your planning phase.
  • How Will You Store Your Data?
    Some healthcare providers are keen to stick with the traditional disk-based storage method, which has a file-based image data approach. Increasingly, providers are moving toward an object-based system, which means there is no direct knowledge of where every piece of data is stored, but there is a unique record indicator giving you access to all the data.

Providing quality care is a priority for radioligists, which means they’re connecting with industry-leading solutions provided by experts with years of experience delivering comprehensive coverage for a variety of radiology needs. More and more, cloud-based solutions have risen to the forefront.

When you connect with cloud-based VNA services, the perks become immediately apparent. If viewing images from outside the imaging center has long been a point of contention, the right cloud-based vendor can alleviate that problem.

At OffSite Image Management, we have assisted our clients with VNA for years. Our approach is to offer true VNA, which means you’ll be able to view your DICOM and non-DICOM data. Find out more about how we approach these services and more by
contacting us today.