
9947857_mThe vendor neutral message is being heard, and big technology companies are taking note. Many of the healthcare providers are working toward more efficient strategies in archiving and retrieving images and data, and have chosen vendor-neutral solutions in their efforts. With major technology on board to offer vendor-neutral archiving and an offsite archiving source, the data migration problem just got a boost in the right direction.

Major computer companies are beginning to offer vendor neutral archiving framework to healthcare providers. For providers looking for an offsite archiving source, this is good news, particularly because it will be offered through the National Health Service (NHS) supply chain framework for storage, migration and hosting solutions.

One of the computer manufacturers is calling its initiative the Unified Clinical Archive, or UCA for short. The goal of UCA, and similar services offered by image archive solution providers, is to bring better communication between the applications in the clinics and the healthcare information systems and to offer a better offsite archiving source. This clearer and cleaner line of communication will improve collaborative efforts in getting patient data, including imaging, from physician to physician across departments. This will allow for quicker evaluations and diagnoses and improve patient care.

 The best vendor neutral solutions have several components that work for the clinical environment:


  • Accepts data in DICOM and non-DICOM formats and across any department
  • Stores information securely
  • XDS/XDS-1 interoperability is possible from disparate system to disparate system
  • Can be deployed regionally or centrally
  • It offers more flexibility to hospital administrators and radiology managers
  • IT costs will be reduced because it’s a web-based portal

Data migration services and finding an offsite archiving source don’t have to be painful anymore. The vendor-neutral imaging framework is helping to ease the process and reduce costly procedures that got in the way of providing the best healthcare possible. It also brings more speed to data migration and security to storage/archiving efforts.
With more computer manufacturers expanding into healthcare markets in South Africa, the United Kingdom and in Germany, the vendor neutral archiving preference is beginning to grow worldwide. Cloud-based medical image archiving solutions have also been introduced and are proven to be not only secure and flexible, but also able to improve the care that healthcare facilities offer their patients.

OffSite Image Management Inc., offers vendor neutral archiving, picture archiving communication systems, off site data storage business continuity solutions, virtual CD cloud management and health information exchange solutions. The focus at OffSite is on the healthcare industry, particularly on rural and critical care radiology services. There are no startup fees or migration fees at OffSite, and you’ll get 24-hour access to the data you need to give your patients the care they deserve. There are no storage limits and no guesswork when it comes to OffSite’s services. Call today.