
The digital transformation wasn’t a swift process for many healthcare organizations, and some are still bogged down in old processes, including those that are paper-based. If the goal is to be more efficient, cloud radiology information systems (RIS) can help organizations adopt modern technology that leaves antiquated processes behind.

Radiology professionals have, for quite some time now, discussed the RIS database systems as a way to organize and store patient radiology data, particularly as they’re already required to adopt electronic health records. The two would seem to interoperate seamlessly, but it’s not always the case.

Working with the right vendor can help make the migration of data to a cloud-based RIS less costly and more manageable. With the right technology, you can achieve the following:

  • Efficiency Uptick
    The right cloud RIS will reduce redundancies, which not only lessens the risk of employee burnout, it also improves patient care due in part because scheduling becomes less error-prone and easier to manage.
  • Improved Diagnostics
    RIS applications help to streamline just about every process a radiology team goes through in a typical day, which leads to more accurate diagnoses.
  • Fewer Errors
    The more keystrokes you add to any process, the more likely you’ll be to encounter errors. The best cloud RIS solutions bring that to the table.
  • Material Management Productivity
    Of the more time-consuming tasks in radiology, one can put material management toward the top of the list, especially for facilities where paper record systems are still the norm. Digitizing the process puts all your information in a more accessible format, and this includes everything from patient records to supplies.

Choosing the Best Vendor

With so many vendors offering a variety of solutions, finding one that brings the best value can be a challenge. To help find your footing, look for one that focuses on helping your business succeed. Often, these are vendors that offer PACS solutions that are based on the latest DICOM standards.

The technology they offer makes it easy to access patient exams and data at multiple locations at any time. This will bring you the mobility that can improve the quality of your work/life balance, but it will also improve your level of patient care.

Also, choose a vendor that can customize solutions to suit your needs. Not only should the technology integrate with your current infrastructure, but it must also not include the “bells and whistles” that you won’t use and don’t need to pay for.

At OffSite Image Management, we bring the technology that can vastly improve workflow and also save money. For more information about our approach, contact us and let’s discuss your options.