
Zero Footprint PACS Attained Through the Cloud

Zero footprint PACS – it’s not a pipe dream anymore. As providers searched and searched for a wayzero footprint PACS to gain interoperability, it became obvious that the cloud was going to be the way to achieve that goal.

Sharing patient data is difficult in a multi-silo environment. Patient care is impacted because there is a lack of accessibility. The rural providers are particularly vulnerable to issues regarding image interpretation delays, which is why it’s critical for them to get connected with a zero footprint PACS.

Cross-enterprise patient data sharing had been a massive issue solved only by hand delivering patient exams. Even cross-department patient data sharing was an issue that required the same solution because the PACS in one department was made by a different vendor than the one in a separate department.

Thanks to the introduction of electronic medical records, clinicians now have access to more complete patient records, but it still requires some finessing when it comes to medical images and sharing them back and forth. However, for professionals using the cloud, there is no finessing required.

Zero footprint PACS are giving physicians access to the images they need in real time. For instance, if a surgeon is heading to the operating room and needs to look at an image, he can pull it up on a mobile device. This is also technology that can be used in the emergency room.

Meaningful Use requirements have pushed the issue of electronic records access, and that includes medical images. Radiologists are now required to have an electronic version of their medical image report available within 24 hours of the exam. With the traditional image management solutions available to these professionals, meeting that deadline represents a lot of stress. However, using a zero footprint PACS solution, which can be found in cloud-based image management systems, that deadline will not present an issue.

Rural providers, who are historically less lucrative than their larger counterparts in urban centers, have fewer medical professionals available to them, including IT professionals who manage complex imaging processes. Having access to a cloud-based PACS is a game changer. Not only do they not have to scrounge for money to purchase expensive hardware and software, they don’t need to hire non-existent (in their rural areas) personnel to manage the equipment.

Providers everywhere are benefiting from cloud-storage and management solutions, in terms of money and patient outcomes. Interoperability is one of the biggest perks of a cloud-based solution because of the vendor neutral architecture built into these solutions. This means that the professionals who need instant access to medical images can get them, and it’s resulting in better patient outcomes.

At OffSite Image Management, Inc., we’re leading the industry in cloud-based solutions that are providing the interoperability and zero footprint PACS solutions that healthcare professionals have been looking for. Contact us today and let’s talk about your current workflow management and how we can assist you in gaining the interoperability you’ve wanted for so long.