
A cardiovascular information system (CVIS) is a crucial piece of technology that healthcare providers spend a lot of time researching before making a purchase to ensure they find the right solution for their needs. Once the CVIS is implemented, it is important to put together a strategic plan to make sure it is meeting expectations and fulfilling predetermined objectives.

The following are tips to ensure you’re moving forward in an efficient and effective fashion:

  • Vendor Engagement
    Make sure your CVIS vendor is engaged from the get-go. They need to be committed to the design phase so when it comes to launching a project, they’re all in and the workflow is smooth.
  • Resource Allocation
    You’ll spend time on calls with your vendor as you work through the implementation process. Make sure each call is complete with an agenda and that all the right people are on the call. Patient outcomes are vastly improved when the calls are productive.
  • Stick to Your Launch Date
    The day you go live should be planned with your vendor, who will be able to grant you the resources required for a successful launch. Vendors have a habit of pushing back launch dates, so make sure the planning process makes them accountable for sticking to the originally planned date.
  • Have a Plan B
    Your research on vendors should be exhaustive enough that you partner with the right one at the end of the search process. However, have a second vendor on deck in case the one you chose turns out to be unaccountable or unwilling to meet your demands.

A Cloud-Based Solution

Cloud-based radiology technology suppliers are focused on helping their clients succeed. From patient exams to viewing capabilities – PACS and CVIS technologies are designed to ease workflow issues and provide better patient care.

The best vendors offer integration compatibility with other systems, such as HIS, RIS and EMR. If you’ve hit hard boundaries in your communication across platforms, a go-to vendor will help knock those boundaries down.

Top solutions also include multiple add-on modules to the table, such as WAD
O for accessing DICOM-related data from anywhere at any time. The iQ-View/Pro add-on improves radiology reading and Q/A workstation, while OrthoView brings orthopedic templates and trauma planning into the mix. Look for add-ons like these when you research your vendors.

At OffSite Image Management, we offer cloud-based radiology solutions that are not only stable, but they’re also built to reliably perform to such a degree that we can guarantee uptime. For more information about our approach to bringing industry-leading technology to critical access hospitals, contact us today.