
“Work smarter, not harder.” It’s a familiar saying, perhaps so familiar that it’s lost some of its luster. But for radiology professionals finding themselves in an inefficient work environment, working smarter is the best way to find more efficient ways of taking on daily tasks. Addressing the modality worklist is a key part of an improved workflow.

Focusing on the modality worklist makes a lot of sense, because it’s one of DICOM’s workflow services that can make patient demographic information from a RIS more readily available while side-stepping dual data entry situations. Data integrity is also something modality worklist improvements can bring.

Modality Worklist Benefits

Simply put, a more productive approach to a modality worklist saves time and resources, makes communicating with other information systems more interoperable and you will see a reduction in errors. Those who need access to patient information shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to see it, and they shouldn’t be blocked out due to proprietary technology issues, and this is what a proper modality worklist can do for you.

Having a common source for patient demographics, automatically linking patient records, reducing errors, adhering to HIPAA rules, being more transparent and user friendly are all areas that are addressed by the modality worklist.

Better PACS

If your facility is like many healthcare facilities, you’ve got multiple PACS with many applications tied to them. Is this the bottleneck in your workflow? Maybe you’re having issues with prioritizing effectively, which leads to missing cases or getting late notifications about important/urgent updates. In most cases, there are just too many manual/time-consuming processes that have to occur throughout the day.

Radiologists have a difficult time doing their job as well as they could in situations like this. With more intelligent workflow and automation features, PACS has become more efficient, and those who use it notice a significant workflow boost. Creating a cohesive modality worklist across all PACS creates a more intelligent flow.

Better Vendor Options

If you’ve struggled with workflow and experience a lack of access to industry-leading tools, consider using a cloud-based PACS platform. At OffSite Image Management, our PACS solutions include a package option that will suit your needs.

Rather than paying for a one-size-fits all solution, we offer different PACS packages that will meet your needs without exceeding your budget. We even offer a hybrid solution for those who still rely on various on-premise infrastructure, but also want the advantages of cloud solutions.

Our clients see a boost in productivity as our PACS bring unlimited modality connections to the forefront. For more information about what’s included in our solutions, visit our PACS page.