There is a lot that goes into the average daily radiology workflow. A typical imaging cycle requires managing patient data, which includes scheduling an exam, carrying out the exam and then processing the data so it goes to the right place where it can be accessed easily by those who need to see it. Creating efficiencies in the radiology workflow is something most radiologists will say needs some improvement.
Finding these efficiencies is becoming more of a top concern as the volume of exams and data increases dramatically, impacting workflow. Another aspect of this ramped-up growth is that the imaging technology, while creating better views, is also increasing file sizes, which becomes another point of contention where storing and accessing is concerned.
Money plays a part in this also. CT reimbursement is being reduced, bit by bit, which means radiology departments are looking for savings wherever they can. Modifying the radiology workflow can assist in this regard.
Utilizing PACS
While it is true that radiology workflow is impacted by many moving parts and processes (including closed-loop imaging, which centralizes the way patient information is created and automated), a picture archiving and communications system or PACS has played a huge role in improving efficiency.
Productivity has improved by 70% in the last 15 years due to the adoption of PACS. But to realize this level of productivity, you have to partner with the right PACS vendor. The best are building solutions based on the latest DICOM standards, which makes it easy to access patient exams and data at multiple locations at any time.When youhave a PACS that includes an all-in-one FDA workstation/PACS hybrid, you can rest assured that your radiology workflow is going to improve. When you choose a vendor that offers PACS via a cloud-based platform, you will not have to purchase any hardware or software, as the vendor will take care of those things. Also, with a cloud-based solution, you don’t have to worry about managing or updating your PACS – that’s all done by the vendor.
The OffSite Option
At OffSite Image Management, our approach to PACS is focused on assisting critical access hospitals, specialty clinics and rural providers that need the best radiology has to offer, but without a high cost.
We also offer PACS packages that will suit your needs. For example, larger facilities that require a long list of technologies, such as WADO-EHR integration, HL7 ORU interface, 3D TOMO BTO compliance and advanced logical expression, will be well-suited with our EnterprisePACS solution, which includes monthly administrative support. For more information about what we can offer, contact us and let’s talk about our different PACS solutions.