Going Offsite With PACS Needs

PACSVendor neutral archiving (VNA) has taken a dramatic upswing in the last decade, shifting the focus on a proprietary-based PACS system to open architecture technology that sidesteps the issues that plague providers when it comes to upgrading their method of accessing, sharing and archiving images.

PACS vendors are making shifts to overcoming challenges with PACS and are now offering VNA solutions, but they will differ from vendor to vendor, and some definitions of what VNA is are different. The goal in any situation should be to improve workflow, but some vendors are not operating under true VNA technology, which can hamper workflow. One of the issues is that while some are improving access, others are more focused on secure archiving and business continuity issues.

Technology changes at a rapid pace, so it’s no wonder that IT providers are always on the lookout for the latest and greatest improvements. However, rural IT providers are often faced with budgetary challenges, which is why so many are looking to cloud-based solutions that are scalable. Regardless of the size of the hospital, providers are looking for a solution that meets the needs today as well as tomorrow.

Mobility has become an increasingly important topic for medical imaging. The mobile society extends to the medical community as well, which means more providers are looking for solutions that will take them mobile. Not all vendors are able to provide this. However, some are fully capable of delivering PACS solutions that allow for the viewing of medical imaging on any device, including smartphones and tablet computers.

Providers today are looking for re-branded PACS solutions and/or true VNA solutions. They look at the experience of vendors and try to determine if they’ll be a good fit. Due diligence reveals which vendors are offering true VNA technology from those who are not. Many cloud-based vendors are offering up some of the best VNA solutions on the market. Find one that offers scalability, both up and down, to make sure you’re spending your money wisely.

The best vendors are going to help you plan for the switch. Migrating data can be a hassle, so make sure you’ve got a team ready to help you through the process. Not only should the vendor be ready and willing to assist, but everyone involved on the provider’s end should also be informed. A coordinating team can often help to iron-out the issues that come up and handle them quickly, before they become a problem.

OffSite Image Management, Inc. is known for its ability to help providers make the switch to more efficient and effective PACS solutions. We use cloud-based technology and assist all of our clients from initial set up to migration to ongoing management of the solutions. Our clients have near 100 percent uptime and more sharing capabilities than they could ever get with proprietary PACS solutions. For more information about how we offer top quality solutions at cut-rate prices, contact us today. We’re the 360-degree solution you’ve been looking for.