Data Sharing 1Despite the promise of smoother sailing with a vendor neutral archiving (VNA) system, some healthcare providers are still edgy about the prospect because they don’t want to disrupt the way clinical users currently work with the system. There are a few tips to consider when making the transition.

Providers who have gone through the process successfully have used a phasing method where they start slow and ramp up as they go. The problem is that the amount of patient information that is accumulating is increasing at a surprising rate; so many providers are looking now for a solution that will work. Here are some tips to consider.

First off, as you probably already know, a VNA system helps you to store, access and share data; including medical imaging across a broad set of users, regardless of the systems they’re currently running. To make sure you don’t alienate any of your users, start the transition slowly. It takes time for the full power of a VNA system to take hold, but it’s important to grow slowly.

The first stages of implementation include a walk phase where you get your administrators trained on the platform. Once the key players are up and running, you can begin to let the clinical users in on the system. One way to know if the implementation has worked is to ask someone after it’s gone live if they were aware that they were no longer in beta. If the answer is “no,” you’ll know you’ve done it right.

Secondly, you’ll need to install the base VNA product and direct all new traffic to it, but first, you’ll need to set up a test model inside the actual VNA before you redirect all traffic. You’ll want to make sure you’ve ironed-out any bugs before all traffic is redirected.

Your PACS modalities will also need to be gradually transitioned from their original location to the VNA. It’s through this process that IT administrators will begin to grasp the concept of adding modalities. The goal is to have complete control by the time you go live, and this slow method of gradually building modalities works.

Don’t forget to create a migration plan. Every PACS archive needs to be carefully investigated for how the information will migrate. Part of the plan needs to be determining who will actually take charge of the migration process. Will you take a third party on to help you out or will you attempt it yourself, in-house?

Providers that reach out to OffSite Image Management, Inc., are walked through every step of the VNA process. Our clients have attested to the fact that when a potential roadblock presents itself, we jump on it and work through the issue to a positive outcome. We know VNA and we help you to harness every advantage you could possibly get out of it. Contact us today and find out how you can do better with a true VNA system.