The Value of Cloud Backup Services

cloud backup servicesThe healthcare industry has taken full notice of cloud computing, and for good reason; there is plenty about the cloud that can be of benefit to the healthcare community, including providers who want access to cloud backup services. Let’s take a look at some reasons why the cloud is such a good backup services option.

  • Quick Implementation and Better Outcomes
    Due to the nature of cloud computing where all services are offered offsite, implementing a cloud backup service is quick and painless for providers. Providers can connect to cloud services using their current system, which means no new hardware or extensive software is required. Furthermore, cloud services don’t require any further demands from providers’ IT department because all the upgrade and maintenance is carried out by the provider.
  • IT Services are Streamlined
    Electronic health records are quickly and easily accessed through the cloud. This is especially important when it comes to medical imaging, which comes in a variety of file types. Instead of being denied access due to proprietary infrastructure, the best cloud vendors operate under a vendor neutral archiving ethos, which means all medical images can be viewed, regardless of the type of workstation being used.
  • It’s Cost Effective
    The beauty of cloud-based services is in their ability to scale to the needs of the client. In-house backup services often require an investment that might not be fully utilized for many years. Instead of paying for something they don’t need now, providers can purchase storage plans that make sense to them at their current size, and then they can expand later when growth occurs.
  • Innovative Strategies Become More Viable
    Providers are looking deeper into their data, and cloud backup services allow them to aggregate and analyze it more effectively, allowing for better implementation of innovative strategies. The introduction of analytic engines, like the HEDIS, could help providers establish best practice metrics that help benchmark various aspects of the care available to patients.
  • Care Coordination Improves
    Having real-time access to clinical data is important if the improvement of care is going to take place. This is especially important during medical emergencies when waiting for patient data could compromise the level of care they experience. The cloud services also offer improved business analytics, which leads to improved care delivery.

Cloud backup services offer improvements to business continuity planning. For instance, in-house backup services don’t protect data should an on-site emergency situation occur, like a flood, fire or earthquake. When the data is stored offsite, in the cloud, it is often stored at more than one datacenter in different geographic locations, which means the data will be available almost 100 percent of the time.

OffSite Image Management, Inc., is a company that works with multiple Level IV datacenters to ensure the availability of data. Our services are cost effective, scalable and perfect for providers both large and small. Contact us today and find out more about our cloud backup services.