Are you struggling to overcome radiology workflow challenges? If it’s your technology that disrupts the workflow, you need to identify the underlying cause of the problem. By understanding clinical data, where it is stored, how it is accessed and shared, you can get to the bottom of the issue. With this knowledge, you can also avoid costly expenditures on technology you might not actually need.

To get to the root of the issue, your radiology IT should collaborate with the clinicians who create data and help identify how the work is actually flowing. Everyone involved with augmenting, routing or accessing data should have the right training and be familiar with the steps taken to archive and share clinical data. Can some of these steps be automated? Is your PACS overburdened? Are on-premise servers bogged down? These are signs that a cloud-based radiology technology provider could be an asset to you.

Jump Communication Blocks

Workflow disruptions can also impact your patient care abilities. In fact, delays associated with taking care of patient needs are caused by miscommunication or a lack of communication altogether. Bringing in the right messaging tools can ease the flow of communication, and thus, the ability to communicate down the line more freely and in real-time.

Predictive Analytics

Practice management issues can be the source of a number of challenges. Whether it’s scheduling conflicts or mismanagement of image files, bringing in predictive analytics can provide more insight into your daily tasks, limiting the risk of having resource allocation as a thorn in your side, or patients missing appointments causing a derail in your day.

The clinical tools you use can range widely, from a more efficient PACS, teleradiology solution to VNA technology and better options for viewing images. At OffSite Image Management, we host an array of radiology solutions in a cloud-based environment that brings our customers a great amount of value, particularly where workflow is considered.

Our goal is to make your workflow issues non-issues. For example, have you experienced downtime because your IT staff had to update your system? Did you spend a lot of money on implementing a new app or process or integrate hardware? When you partner with OffSite, you’re allowing us to do all the administrative work, updates, hardware upgrades – you name it and we’re doing it on our end.

Find out more about what we have to offer your radiology workflow abilities by contacting us today.